Tallinn Winter Festival Tallinn Winter Festival Every year Tallinn Winter Festival features unforgettable concerts by a number of guest performers from abroad alongside outstanding Estonian musicians with whom PLMF has consistently collaborated. The festival's charity initiative "Open your eyes, open your heart!" since 2006 has focused on those in need in our society. write(' '+ts1+ts2+' '); plmf[no-Smpam)@plmf.ee Tallinn Winter Festival

Tallinn Winter Festival

11.-21. Feb 2025 Tallinn

Every year Tallinn Winter Festival features unforgettable concerts by a number of guest performers from abroad alongside outstanding Estonian musicians with whom PLMF has consistently collaborated. The festival's charity initiative "Open your eyes, open your heart!" since 2006 has focused on those in need in our society.

Tallinn Winter Festival

Organised by PLMF Music trust
artistic director: Pille Lill

November 2024
Estonian Music Festivals • • +372 56 678 695

Kodulehe tegemine aara.ee

Tallinn Winter Festival

Tallinn Winter Festival

Organised by PLMF Music trust artistic director: Pille Lill e-mail: es1 = 'mailto:pl&'; es2 = '#109;f@plmf.ee'; ts1 = 'plmf@plmf.e'; ts2 = ';e'; document write(' '+ts1+ts2+' '); plmf[no-Smpam)@plmf.ee Every year Tallinn Winter Festival features unforgettable concerts by a number of guest performers from abroad alongside outstanding Estonian musicians with whom PLMF has consistently collaborated. The festival's charity initiative "Open your eyes, open your heart!" since 2006 has focused on those in need in our society.

Tallinn Winter Festival

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